Final Presentation on BP myScience 2011
- To measure interest of BP myScience in the participating schools.
- To share with other schools of BP myScience development at your school.
- To network among schools to gain knowledge about the environment.
- To show and share on your Solar Boat Preparation in school.
- To evaluate how schools spend their SEED money.
- BP myScience activities.
- Free style, i.e. singing, drama, coral speaking and etc..
- Activities carried out in school, i.e Launching, Carbon Challenge, Schools Link, Solar Boat, Mascot contest and etc.
- 10 minutes for each school (including preparation and setup)
- Smart casual
- Introduction of the team members
- How was the ‘Seed Money’ utilised?
- What & How BP myScience programs held in school?
- Launching of BP myScience
- Carbon Challenge
- Trading Game
- Solar Boat design & preparation
- etc
- What is the school aspiration if they win BP myScience Challenge 2011?
- How can BP myScience Challenge be improved?
- Each school will be given 1 board (7 x 4 feet).
- Presentation material to be pasted on the board.
- Be creative on you display.
- Please bring along all your presentation tools, stationary and other related equipment
- To develop and evaluate innovative, enterprising and creative design ideas and solutions
- Introduce to renewable energy conservation & management
- To design and build a boat that will complete a race in the shortest possible time using the available solar power.
- To promote healthy and fun competitive learning activities
Terms & Conditions
- Open to participating schools in BP myScience 2011 only.
- Competition is divided to 3 categories; design, presentation & race.
- Work as a team. Only 5 students from form 4 from each participating school accompanied by 2 teachers allowed to take part.
- Teams are given 3 solar panel and a motor. Using any other materials; preferable recycle materials, competitors will design and build a solar-powered boat that will race on a 4-meter long x 2- meter wide water race track.
- Boat design must incorporate science concept and aerodynamic characteristics.
- The maximum boat size is 350 mm long by 250 mm wide.
- The winner of the challenge will be the team whose boat is the top finisher in a series of elimination rounds.
- Only the solar panel provided kit must be used without modification.
- Teams can use the given motor or purchase one motor costing less than RM100 and teams must provide evidence for the purchase price and from the shop located in Malaysia only.
- The remainder of the boat must be your own design and can be made from any other renewable or recycle materials.
Boat Specifications
- The boat must be safe for contestants and spectators (e.g. no sharp edges, projectiles, etc.).
- The boat must fit within the following dimensions: 350 mm long x 250 mm wide.
- School logo must be visible on the side of the boat's body. A space of 3 cm x 3 cm must also be available on the side of the boat where an assigned boat number can be placed.
- Sunlight will be the only power source for the boat. No batteries or energy storage devices are permitted.
- The boat must be steered by the guide wire using one or more eyelets affixed to the boat. The boat must be easily removable from the guide wire without disconnecting the guide wire.
Track Specifications
- Power Point Presentation – 10 minutes including preparation
- Abstract
- Objective
- Scientific Theory
- Design & Innovation
- Trials and Improvements
- Speed race
NOTE: Use only Univers 45 or 55 Light Fonts for Presentation
Pre-race Day
Race Day
Race Conduct
- At race time, boats will be placed behind the starting line.
- While switch in turn ‘ON’, the contestants must cover the solar module with an opaque material (e.g., a file folder) without touching the module.
- At the start of the race, the contestants will remove the opaque covering to allow the solar module to generate electricity for powering the boats.
- An early or push start may result in disqualification or re-running the race. The race judges will determine if a contestant is disqualified or if the race must be rerun.
- The race will start when the official signal is given. The winner of the race will be the first boat to cross the finish line.
- During the race, the judges may declare wins or losses.
- One member of each team must wait at the finish line to catch the boat.
- Team members may not accompany or touch the boat while it is racing on the track. Boats stalled on the track may be retrieved after the end of the race has been declared.
- Boats and team members must remain at the finish line until the winning order of the race has been established.
- Boats that change or cross lanes will be disqualified (at the discretion of the race judges).
- Challenges protesting the winning order of the heat must be made before the race judges begin the next heat. All challenges must come from the team members who are actively competing. The decisions of the race judges are final.
- Judges have the option to inspect boats prior to the final heat or at any time during/after the heats are completed.
Sample boats
- Maximum of 20 points for best presentation on how BP myScience Challenge 2011 held in school.
- Maximum of 10 points for fastest solar boat together with RM500 for the best presentation and RM500 for fastest boat.
Q & A
1. Can the school build more than 1 boat?
- YES but only 1 is allowed to race.
2. How to design the boat
- You can use a freeware by going to www.freeship.org to download your very own free copy.
3. What type water will be used during the race?
- We have not decided by it can be either fresh or salt water.
4. When and what time will the race started?
- The race will be on 19 Sept but the team will start with solar boat design and preparation presentation before proceeding to the race track/pond.